28 February 2011

Banana pudding

No more roach sightings and no crashes... but I was in the car (this week), not on the bike. so next week maybe some reports. :)

Liz is progressing still. She expressed some very deep and personal concerns about the celestial kingdom and her family. We're not quite sure how to help her work through them, but we're going to keep praying and hoping. She has two adopted children from Russia. One we've never met; I guess he's moved out or something. The other, Kathryn, we've met several times and we're trying to convince her to join us in the lessons. She's around 17.

My new companion, Elder Bringhurst, is short and spunky. He's a good elder, though, and he does good work. We have little disagreements, of course, but right now we're able to work well together.

Funny story of the week:
Our most progressing investigators, John and Melinda B. came and ate dinner with a family in the ward, and for dessert we had banana pudding. Well, it's a strange thing, but I like banana pudding, and told them all so. We invited them to a baptism another ward was having on Saturday. Friday night, John calls and says 'I made you something, can I bring it to you then?' I told him yes. We got halfway to the baptism on Saturday before they called us and canceled because Melinda wasn't feeling well (we went anyway, more details later). Sunday, they come to church. When we see them John's face lights up and he digs in his stuff for a minute, then hands me a little bowl of homemade banana pudding! It was funny enough that he remembered, but what really took the cake was that he brought me a spoon, too! I just about died laughing.

At the baptism, we were honored to help confirm two of the baptized persons, twin boys. that was a special and unique experience for me.

Love, Elder Brown

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